My Top 10 Current On-Going TV Shows

Just another day of an insomniac, so why not publish an article that has been sitting in drafts...

I have been falling way behind in TV shows lately, there are just too many to watch coupled with work.

But here goes. These are my Top 10 On- Going TV Series, I have Omitted Game of Thrones because... enough of GoT, hopefully some of these series will be binge worthy for some of you!

Oh.. and On-Going means one off series like American Vandal are not in this.

We will go in Reverse Order (10-1) + and some Honourable Mentions that didn't make the top 10.

Honourable Mentions:

  • Sherlock
  • The Flash
  • House of Cards (yes yes I know but it is good)
  • The Expanse
  •  Ray Donovan
  •  Masters of None
  • Jane the Virgin
  • Vikings

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

One of the better Comedy Cop shows out there. It gets episodic but it's pretty damn funny.

Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul has really lived up to it's predecessor in Breaking Bad and that is saying a lot. Watch!


After the sad news of a location scouting staff member being killed, just shows how serious this topic is. Narcos has done a great job telling the Drug Cartel's story.

Dare Devil 

Dare Devil Season 1 and 2 are still some of the best TV Action Superhero series ever made.

The Punisher

After the Defenders and the underwhelming series from Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron First, and the Defenders... The Punisher really reminds all of us they can make some amazing TV.


Going into it's final season... I am sad to see it go but this has been one of the best TV shows ever over the past decade. 

Star Trek Discovery

This was not the Star Trek I was hoping for... but it is definitely written very well, with a lot of Sc-Fi Action scenes, it's basically just about all out war vs the Klingons


Shameless is perhaps one of the least talked about shows that deserve all the praise in the world and IMO, one of the best TV shows on going right now. Watching this dysfunctional Family tackle each of their own problems has been great. Amazing Writing.


The Orville, is the Star Trek that I have been wanting since The Next Generation... You can even say The Orville is more Star Trek than Star Trek right now... except with Seth Macfarlane, there is a bit more humour naturally.

Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty. Wubba Lubba Dub Dub. This is easily the best show on TV that is ongoing (even though they release episodes very... very slowly), it has a YOLO, IDGAF mentally and the jokes might not hit for everyone, but I find the show to be very deep in some ways and poetic and equally stupid as shit, all combined... to make this awesome TV Show. 10/10.


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