Dr. Strange (2016) - TSMR

Dr. Strange (2016)

The Short Movie Review (TSMR)
Non-Spoiler (well... as much as it can be)

Review Scores:

Story: 8/10
Rewatchability: 10/10
Overall: 9/10

The Short Movie Review: 


I have to admit, I was not overly excited about Dr. Strange coming out, perhaps it's because I don't really like Wizardry... I did not like Harry Potter (Don't kill me). But I remember when Benedict Cumberbatch was cast and I thought it was a good fit, and it ended up being the perfect fit. Thank god Joaquin Phoenix turned down the role (for most people who probably didn't know).

Marvel has set such a high standard for its films in recent years and Dr. Strange certainly lives up to that bar. This movie is probably the best Origin Story since Iron Man. The story line was kind of cookie cutter in the sense its very similar to Iron Man's arc. A wealthy man who is arrogant and confident runs into a problem of his own making and loses people close to him and gains powers and decides to be better...

However Dr. Strange has a way more human feature than the other origin stories. He is confident because, frankly I think he had to be to be as successful as he is. There was more depth in the movie than the other super heroe origins and I think this was what made it such a great film... and the crazy VFX of course. 100 times better than Inception.

My Favorite Scene(s)

The cape scene, where he wraps around the zealot's head and ineffectively bashed his head against the floor. I couldn't stop laughing, even when it was out of focus and in the background.

Edited: Add On Favorite Scene.

The final moments of The Ancient One. Tilda Swinton may have outright stolen this film, and her dialogue had the right amount of depth and wisdom to make her character more understandable. Great final scene, touching too.

My "Errrrr" Scene

Wong's laugh. I did not quite buy that laugh, felt it was a bit forced and kind of fake. 


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