The Worst/Most Disappointing 10 Films of 2016

No Particular Order...

Boy they were pretty bad.

Up Next: Oscars Predictions: What I want and What I think will win.

Batman V Superman

Independence Day: Resurgence
(Don't Really Care the Poster is Pixelated..)

Image result for Independence Day: Resurgence movie poster

(Oh did I get the wrong movie? Meh)

Zoolander 2
(Oh man... This was just...)

(Not what it seemed to be...)

Now you See Me 2
(If you can believe everything that happened.... sure)

X-Men: Apocalypse
(aka. Throw shit at Apocalypse for extended periods of time)

Gods of Egypt
(Let's White Wash this first of all... then make it bad)
Image result for Gods of Egypt movie poster

The Legend of Tarzan

Hail Caesar!
(Totally unsure what I watched..)


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