
Non Spoilers (Well, as much as possible)
The Short Movie Review (TSMR) 

Review Scores:

Story: 10/10
Rewatchability: 9/10
Overall: 9.5/10

My Thoughts

Logan is a movie about a man who is trying to protect someone very important to him in the form of his mentor and father-figure Professor Xavier. It is a movie about a man finding out he has child he doesn't know about and learns to care for her as circumstances are that people want to hurt her and others like her.

This is not a super heroes movie by any standards to any films in this genre we have seen. It's a rather gut-wrenching (Almost Manchester By the Sea like... except I had to wipe away a few tears in Logan).

The interaction between Logan and Professor X was something so special (Sir Patrick Stewart will always remind one of the greats...) it was done so well... and the movie had everything, from Anger and Rage, to genuine humorous scenes, to bits of Horror, some very heartbreaking parts, and the most perfect final words from Logan as Hugh Jackman's last Wolverine.

There are very few Comic Book Films that can challenge for a best picture or Oscar Nominations in the major categories. One film that came to mind was The Dark Knight... and now we have Logan.

My Favorite Scenes

The scene where Logan, Prof Xavier and X-23 were eating dinner and talking about the good old days of Xavier running the school. I smiled that entire scene, bitter sweet.

Every time Professor Xavier dropped the F-Bomb or said something "bad"... awesome.

My "Errrrr" Moment

This movie had very minor flaws, to the point where its not even a bad thing... perhaps times there are dragged out scenes, but I think that was the point...

Finals Words for Wolverine and Professor X.

Thank You Huge Jackman and Sir Patrick Stewart since 1999 when X-men first came, we've seen the characters grow up, face different enemies, some very good films, and a bunch of really not so good ones if I am honest... but the relationship Wolverine and Professor X had was always special, and in this film that was no different. 


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