The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (TSMR)
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)
Th Short Movie Review (TSMR)
Non-Spoiler (well... as much as it can be)
Non-Spoiler (well... as much as it can be)
Review Scores:
Story: 10/10
Rewatchability: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
The Short Movie Review:
Easily my favourite movie in the past several years. That's right, it's not a Marvel film, it's not Civil War, nor was it the Avengers or Ant-man or Guardians... It is a Ben Stiller Movie... If you have not seen this film, go watch it. It may not be a movie for everyone but it was beautifully filmed and I think the story was beautifully told. It's also got a great OST.
When someone decides to say F**k It and be spontaneous in search for something very meaningful and important...You may just end up meeting interesting people, experience some crazy things and ultimately, find what you are looking for, what you should be looking for.
Ben Stiller's pet project may not seem like the typical "Ben Stiller" movie ie Zoolander, Tropic Thunder, but this movie showed me a totally different side to his acting and directing. After watching this movie, I really want to go to Iceland some day and ride a bike around.
My Favorite Scene(s)
Without spoilers, the final scene when he finds what he is looking for and discovers what it is. When you see it, you will understand.
My "Errrrr" Scene
Out Running a Volcano Erection I mean Eruption...
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