The Shawshank Redemption (1994) - TSMR

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Th Short Movie Review (TSMR)
Non-Spoiler (well... as much as it can be)Image result for The Shawshank Redemption

Review Scores:

Story: 10/10
Rewatchability: 7/10
Overall: 10/10

The Short Movie Review:

When people ask me, what is your favorite movie of all time? Most of the time, I will say Shawshank Redemption. A story about a main character who believe his innocence in his Wife an her lover whom she was cheating on.

We go on a journey of how a banker goes to prison and begins to learn the harshness that happens in prison. But he also finds not just lunatics and crazy murderers, but real human beings (or god) in Morgan Freeman.. a reallll young Morgan Freeman.

We see how greed leads to the downfall of so many peoples and in this case, the warden.

With his ultimate escape, we get the big idea of how he meticulously planned his way out of the prison. The story is incredibly written and directed. I would watch it anytime I get if its on the TV playing.

If you have no seen it because it's an old movie... go see it, its probably better than 95% of the movies coming out today.

My Favorite Scene(s)

My Favorite, yet most touching and sad scene in this movie was when Brooks Hatlen was released, and he entered a world he no longer knew, worked at a grocery shop, knowing nothing and having no one really... and he ultimately etches in wood that "Brooks was Here" and hangs himself.

One of the most sad scenes I have ever seen.

My "Errrrr" Scene

Shit man, that's a lot of shit you had to crawl through....


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