Snowden (2016) - TSMR

Snowden (2016)

The Short Movie Review (TSMR)
Non-Spoiler (well... as much as it can be)

Review Scores:

Story: 10/10

Rewatchability: 5/10 

Overall: 8.5/10

The Short Movie Review:

So I went into the movie wanting to learn more about the backstory that led up with what Snowden did. I've admired his bravery and salute what he did.

He worked hard and was in a position of power to do something about it and he did. To show the world of mass surveillance.

I don't know how much was made to be more grande but I learnt that Snowden is quite a small programmer.

This should be an inspirational movie that everyone should watch to get a grasp at the world we live in today. And probably a lot more we do not know.

I see all these people who talk and generally just make a lot of noise to try to get something done and I think some just want that fame.

I see Snowden, someone who worked hard and put himself in a position of power where he could change something, and he did. The final scene of the movie really hit me hard, an just gave me more respect for what he did. 

I watche this movie 3 times and the ending bit maybe 6-7 times in a row.

My Favorite Scene(s)
That scene where Snowden is given an interview from Russia through a webcam. You pan across and you see the Laptop, if keeps panning and you see the man himself, the Real Snowden and he ends it with a heart spoken message. Great stuff.

My "Errrrr" Scene
There is NO F**ken way he got the SD card out with that Rubric Cub shenanigans. No... but it was kinda cool if that did happen.


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