Suicide Squad 2016 - The Short Movie Review

This will be my second TSMR.

I just want to clarify that this is not a full featured review where i normally go into the plot and analyze many bits of the film and pick up favorite moments and finally give it scores.

TSMR will have 3 Scores. 1) Story 2) Rewatchability 3) Overall Score

So... lets do this.

Suicide Squad 2016
The Short Movie Review (TSMR)

Image result for suicide squad movie poster official

Review Scores:

Story: 3/10
Rewatchability: 8/10
Overall: 6.5/10

The Short Movie Review: 

Perhaps one of my most anticipated movies of 2016. I had hear some good things and then some bad things prior to the release but I was going to always watch it in the end. 

Lets dive into this TSMR. What was up with the editing? What was the story? Why was the villain shifting around like some jellyfish? Why was there almost no dialogue between the Suicide Squad? 

So many questions... Don't get me from a 6.5 score out of me means that I enjoyed the film but had some major issues with it. It's a fun mindless action film with some very iconic names. 

What I must say is that the action was almost inconsequential shooting zombie like things pointlessly. The movie to me was enjoyable however, it was a bloody mess but a fun one for sure for myself.

IMO I think there was a bit too many back shots of Harley Quinn walking somewhere or bending over (I really am not complaining here... but... maybe a bit too much). Perhaps a bit too "Michael Bay"ish at some points. 

My Favorite Scene

The Bar scene. Letting a great cast act out a well constructed dialogue was great, just needed more dialogue imo. 

My "Errrrr" Scene

Errrrr... what the F*** was Enchantress doing with the dancing and the arm shifting....


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