X-Men Apocalypse 2016 - The Short Movie Review

This will be my earlier TSMR(s).

I just want to clarify that this is not a full featured review where i normally go into the plot and analyze many bits of the film and pick up favorite moments and finally give it scores.

TSMR will have 3 Scores. 1) Story 2) Rewatchability 3) Overall Score

So... lets do this.

X-Men Apocalypse
The Short Movie Review (TSMR)

Image result for x-men: apocalypse 2016

Review Scores:

Story: 5/10
Rewatchability: 4/10
Overall: 5/10

The Short Movie Review: 

This shall be known as the film that was overshadowed by Civil War and BvS in the summer of 2016.

However... the film itself was a real let down. There were good moments in the film, Quicksilver is once again the best part of the movie. The relationships with Jean and Scott were believable but I think I'm undecided on how well acted out Jean's character was by GoT star Sophie Turner.

Prof. X finally gets bald, that was nice. JLaw completely mailed in this performance, I don't think even she wanted to be there during filming, so I was not impressed.

Hugh Jackman was Hugh Jackman... good to see, kinda bloody... maybe a hint at things to come for his final Film as Wolverine...

 What was the lets throw shit at Apocalypse in bland streams of metal and other stuff and him shielding it off. To add to more action... lets have Scott just beam him of which he will also just block... ok cool.. zzz

The one good scene once again involved QuickSilver when he knocked Apocalypse around for a bit. But before that... WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST TELL MAGNETO you fool! Great time to bring Family back into Magneto's head to get him to turn....

I think this movie just passes for me as a movie. Michael Fassbender and Mcavoy were great as usual and my heart sank when that arrow got shot off... I think Magneto's reaction was justified...

The only thing that added to the Rewatchability score was because of QuickSilver scenes, nothing else.

My Favorite Scene

QuickSilver.... Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)... man :)

My "Errrrr" Moment

Errrrr we KNOW ITS THE WOLVERINE "its a confused beast in that box" WE KNOW ITS HIM JUST SHOW US " His mind... its in outrage he is terrifying " just SHOW HIM WALKING OUT " What did they do to him" Ok I'm done, what a kill-joy, oh yay its Wolverine... already climaxed.


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