The Dark Knight - The Best Super Hero Movie of All Time. (TSMR)

The Dark Knight 2008
Th Short Movie Review (TSMR)
Non-Spoiler (well... as much as it can be)

Image result for the dark knight poster official

Review Scores:

Story: 10/10
Rewatchability: 10/10
Overall: 10/10

The Short Movie Review: 

In 2016 I've been torn about which movie I find better, The Dark Knight or Captain America Civil War as the best super hero movie. They have distinct styles and moods but as a stand alone movie, The Dark Knight would be in my top 10 movies of all time. Captain America Civil War... might not be.

Heath Ledgers Joker gives the greatest performance of any villain I have seen in any movie. The Joker, a man with no morals but understands what he has to do and knows exactly how to execute, someone with nothing to lose and everything to gain; trying to destroy society and bringing out the worst in humanity.

Alfred: Some men just want to watch the world burn.

If you have not seen this film, you should, it will be a classic one day (if not already) by Christopher Nolan.

If only DC could make films like this one instead of trying to hyper drive and force their new shared DC universe. 

My Favorite Scene(s)

There are too many great scenes, But If I had to pick as I write this.... words will not do the scene justice so here you go:

And my other favorite Scene if you asked me.. maybe tomorrow:

Or this scene:

My "Errrrr" Moment

Errrrr... Why is this movie so good? 


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