The Nice Guys 2016 - TSMR

The Nice Guys 2016
The  Short Movie Review (TSMR)
Non-Spoiler (well... as much as it can be)

The Nice Guys poster.png

Review Scores:

Story: 8/10
Rewatchability: 2/10
Overall: 8.5/10

The Short Movie Review: 

For people who are asking for new Original Content that are not streamline movies like all of these revived franchises or super hero movies... I hope you went and watched the Nice Guys.

 It doesn't seem like enough people go watch these original content ideas (ie Ex Machina, Dope)    to help fund more...

I've always thought Ryan Gosling has comedic chops, but Russell Crowe? The guy who has stories of being "difficult"... never but the Chemistry between the two is evident. This film is funny in its own way, its not cheesy and it has a decent story. 2 freelance detectives where one is clumsy and handsome raising a daughter and the other is serious and brooding looking for a missing Pornstar, who knew it would be one of the best comedies of 2016.

I'll just stop here and ask you to get the DVD or something and watch it, definitely a great film. 

My Favorite Scene

Ryan Gosling trying to show off only to fall.. all the way down the hill.

My "Errrrr" Scene

Errrrr... What was with the Bee. Seriously if you are going to be high why a bee?


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